Marcelo Demilis's profile

Contests and Awards

Rose System's logo
Imagine a fridge that speaks your language. Responds not only to your needs but also to your interests, knows your lifestyle, a refrigerator that is just like you. Inspired by the cartoon “The Jetsons” robot character, the Inventório’s team members created the Rose System. An interactive refrigerator awarded third place in the Innovation Competition in Engineering and Design of Whirlpool Latin America (Prêmio Inova). The authors of the project are Marcelo Demilis, Vanessa Spanholi and Luiza Zanella. The System is capable of managing information and can connect to various medias. You could, for example, through a mobile phone, access the quantity of products and which ones are missing. Besides, the Rose System connects several different brands through its upgrade packages. These are chosen according to the user's taste and fits with his profile.
One innovation proposed in this project is the door opening mode called Rollover System, the retractable door formed by organic LED allows partial opening of the fridge and thus forming a vertical scale of temperature in the shelves, reflecting directly in the food’s provision in its inside. The attention to details makes the Rose System’s project incredible. The delicate foot of the refrigerator has LED illumination and gives the impression that it is floating, so Rose is presented in a light and unusual way. Finally, should be emphasized the control by motion capture which eliminates the need for the user to touch the surface of the appliance to interact with its interface. What makes this project different and with great potential is the integration of the user, with a super fridge, with several applications interconnected by numerous brands. The possibilities that Rose System provides are endless, leading information two ways, approaching brands and users.
Summary Rose System: user, refrigerator, mobile application and site
Motion capture
Rose refrigerator inserted in a kitchen
Rose refrigerator inserted in a kitchen (overnight)
Rose refrigerator inside
Premio Inova Whirlpool 2009/2010:
Third best Design Project
Contests and Awards


Contests and Awards

Interactive refrigerator awarded third place in the Innovation Competition in Engineering and Design of Whirlpool Latin America (Prêmio Inova). T Read More
